
Friday, August 20, 2010

Breeks Cafe @ Northpoint, Yishun

Breeks Cafe has pretty much established itself with six outlets in Singapore!

Thinking it was just a normal American-cafe style restaurant that was all the rage a few years ago, i was not expecting too much on Breeks' offerings. My real intention then was to try Eighteen Chefs (again) but it was closed.

What really perked up my anticipation was the nutella milk shake! Some of you have heard i am a big fan of nutella (especially the ice cream); attributing it as a wonderful 'medicine' to curb any unhappiness!

Not feeling extremely hungry, i ordered a few items that i thought were pretty minimal. Like my mom, our assumption on food quantity is always a BIG question mark.

Nutella Milk Share
The highlight should always be the first item of review! 

It was not overly rich, which was a good thing since i can get a whole tub of nutty chocolate myself from Giant supermarket at almost the same price! 

The mixture was delicious and i was sucking the straw for more even though i can see with my own eyes that i was reaching the end of this marvellous drink!!

Safari Feast
A mixed platter of the more popular appetisers served; there were waffle fries, calamari rings, buffalo wings and this thing called smoked salmon bruschetta (no idea what they were).

Not usually a big fan for waffle fries, i was quite impressed with something so mundane. Maybe it was because they were freshly fried and came hot and crispy!

The buffalo wings were too salty, putting themselves as an entirely different class from the sweeter version (Le Muria for example) i am more accustomed too.

Nothing can go wrong with these deep fried squids! Unless they are no longer fresh!

Four words to describe these salmon thingies: i don't like these! And salmon in safari?! #$#@$&*

Fish and Chips
With Alex, this is the only type of main course he will order in a western restaurant and he believes he is a true connoisseur of fish and chips! 

Though the expert claimed that this version was bad, i personally like it for its thin crunchy batter and soft, tender dory meat. 

I supposed Alex's professional analysis took into consideration the price of this dish, which was almost double the price we paid for a comparable dish in Aston's Specialties. 

Towering Cioccolate
By the end this thing came, my stomach was already bloated. Alex is a really small eater and i am a person who doesn't believe in wasting food (courtesy of my elder sister). 

No prize for guessing who ate most of the food, including this chocolate dessert!!

This was rich! And not that small (despite the picture since the angle of my Nikon D5000 made it looked much much smaller). Layers and layers of goodness that will be an exceptional choice on a hot, stressful afternoon! 


Yishun Northpoint

(Opposite Yishun MRT Station)

Nutella Milk Shake - S$6.90
Safari Feast - S$15.90
Fish and Chips - S$14.90
Towering Cioccolate - S$6.20

Subject to ++; should be the usual 10% Service Charge and 7% GST. Plain water available at no additional charge.

Additional Information

It's HALAL!! 

Another eatery to meet up with my Muslim friends!
Shahrena, you owe me a treat right?
Or is it Alaki?

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