
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ablutophobic - Rubee

It's been a long time since i last posted an entry on dear old Rubee, who had a brush with death last year.

Though he recovered, other ailments associated with aging continue unabated; he is less active and his movement has slowed down drastically after that big illness.

I know it's inevitable i have to prepare for the eventual........ demise but we all know that no matter how much we prepare, we will never be "prepared".

On a positive note, he is still alive and he continues to hate bathing (aka ablutophobia)!

With the unusually wet weather we have in recent months, i can no longer procrastinate and delay Rubee's bathing schedule!

His twice-a-day walks on the moist grass have made the smell obnoxious and it doesn't help that he sleeps beside me every night!!

Some updated pictures!

That's him after the bath with that superb pissed-off look!

This was Rubee when he knew i am going to finish drying him. Guess he was pleading with me to hurry up!

His delighted look before lifting him off the table!

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