
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Toast Box @ Resort World Singapore (RWS)

It was one pm and the sleeping bug had kicked in, swaggering our footsteps and confusing our minds. 

The hot, humid weather was not helping and both of us (mother and son) desperately looked around for an air conditioned place to have a cup of Singapore coffee.

The saviour?
Toast Box from BreadTalk!!

While i was making payment for my kopi and kopi O, my eyes caught the price tag of this kaya cake, beautifully placed in a glass cabinet just beside the counter.

S$1.20 a slice.

Woooooh. Such good pricing in a touristy area!?!?!? Sentosa is notorious for selling food and drinks that are priced way beyond the usual!

I had to have it!

And it tasted so delicious with such a thick layer of cream!!! It would have been better if the layer of kaya was thicker but well, i would not expect too much for a piece of cake that cost only S$1.20!

I should instead be thankful they did not cut the amount of cream.

Yum Yum!!!

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