
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kim Gary (French Toast, Vitagen Ice Blended) @ Vivocity, Singapore

I seldom patronise the Kim Gary in Singapore since i can always get the same type of food from the same restaurant at roughly half the price across the causeway in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Today is different.

Because my mom was with me.
And we happened to be at Vivocity for brunch!

Here comes our orders

French Toast
The first and best French Toast i ever had came from Kim Gary in Kuala Lumpur.

Singapore's version of the same brand name did not disappoint with a healthy amount of peanut butter smacked between two slices of golden fried bread! 

That tiny dob of butter can be bigger though.

Vitagen Ice Blended
Love the Lactobacillus bacteria? 

Then i believe you will adore this ice cold drink! Especially thirst quenching in the super hot and humid weather Singapore is having recently!

Combo Hot Plate Set Meal
The mother loves fish and this was the only dish containing non-fried fish! The combi of grilled pork chop, fish fillet and chicken chop was doused with a generous serving of garlic sauce (three other sauces are available).

Overall, it was pretty okay with the heavy garlic content upping the taste test.

The combo came with a slice of garlic bread and a bowl of savory borsch soup (either this or cream soup)!


Unless really necessary, i would still prefer to dine at the Kim Gary in City Square, Johore Bahru due to its promixity to Yishun and the unbeatable pricing!

French Toast - S$3.00
Vitagen Ice Blended - S$3.90
Combo Hot Plate - S$17.50

Subject to 10% Service Charge and 7% GST

1, Harbourfront Walk,
#02-128, Vivocity

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