
Monday, December 14, 2009


My dear old companion, Rubee, has been looking kind of gloomy after his recent bout of illness that reduced his weight by 3 kilograms and his first overnight stay in an animal clinic. In total he was "hospitalised" for 4 nights, blowing the S$1,200 savings i had intended to spend on another overseas trip.

I am not complaining and definitely will not, so long he is alive, well and bouncing with vitality.

After this life-threatening incident, i cannot help but treasure him more. I have to accept the fact that he is indeed getting older; his hearing and eyesight are no longer as alert , the usual playfulness is not as frequent as before. His immune system is also affected, with a serious tick infestation and a skin condition that is, fortunately, improving.

Furthermore, i cannot help but notice that he looks depressed at times; like an old man who has spent his whole life toiling and is just waiting for life to end.

It is really a torment, mentally, for me. At night, i will pull him nearer to me, so that i can be right beside him, if need be....  

My only wish?

If he is to pass away, i sincerely pray it will be a painless or at least a minimum-pain death.


  1. You are truly nice to your dog.

  2. Please don be upset... I believe he is very glad he got you as a owner and friend. Most impt is to spend fruitful time with him rather then running around for FOOD and NOT SHARING. haha


  3. karrot: after keeping him for 10 years, i will be inhumane if i feel nothing for him. I believe you feel for Squiby too. :)

    zhou: hey!! i need to eat leh... And to protect rubee, i cannot allow him to eat what i eat. Thankfully, rubee is more playful these two days. Shall post more pictures. =)
