
Monday, September 28, 2009

The Soup Spoon @ Bugis Junction

I am a great fan of Western soup due to its intense savory taste. Unfortunately, to find a bowl that is economically priced and yet filled with ingredients is not easy.

A bowl of beautifully presented mushroom soup from Tao's

I can count with my short and fat fingers the number of good Western soups I tried. No, Campbell is not one of them; truthfully far from it. A good soup will be the mushroom soup from Tao’s Modern Cuisine or the lobsters bisque soup from Jack’s Place.

Fast forward to a wet, rainy and obviously cool day (which is an appropriate time to enjoy a bowl of hot, steaming soup!), I decided to finally give Soup Spoon a try after hearing so much from the Great Kon and SSaNeVa.

At around $5.60 to $8.20 for a regular bowl, it is not a cheap economical deal (at least not for me). But a look at what regular means (please look below), I am sold! The regular size, to me, can be a noodle bowl in many food courts! Thinking ignorantly that it will be a small bowl, I topped up the soup  for a half wrap and a shop-brewed ice tea (additional $3.90).

Oh, it was also very heartwarming (and of course, generous) to see a piece of complimentary wholemeal bread right beside the bowl of soup. It was all ready to be dipped into the soup and eaten by us.  

So here goes my reviews!

Mushroom Soup (also known as the mouthful Velvety Mushroom Stroganoff)

Thick, creamy and with tons of mushroom bits! Each scoop of the soup, each bite of the billions millions thousands hundreds bitty nitty mushrooms was just so so heavenly. This should be the basic standard for all mushroom soups!~!

Clam Chowder Soup (from Boston

Likewise with the mushroom soup, it was rich and thickened with vegetables and clams! But personally, I found it a bit too overbearing in ingredients and not soupy enough. But obviously value for money!

Mushroom Chicken Half Wrap

Initial taste test was a “Yuck”! But as you chewed deeper, the earthly taste of fresh mushroom coupled with the simple taste of chicken made a really good, healthy combination. I finished it!

Lemon Tea
My favorite was from Kentucky Fried Chicken!
Here’s another one! :P

With 10 outlets spread all over Singapore, you will not need to travel far to enjoy this gem. Not to mention that Singapore is just a small red dot on the world map.

For more information on The Soup Spoon, its outlets and menu, please visit HERE.

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