
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Anagram is FUN!

For most, if not all, Dan Brown's fans, one of the amazing factors is the use of anagrams in the novel, Da Vinci Code.

Still remember the famous artist featured extensively in it, Leonardo da Vinci? Which can be re-arranged as "O, Draconian devil"! How evil can tat be?!  

I was really drawn by the use of such intelligent methods, not to mention the awesome plot, which was full of mystism, symbolism, religions and deep conspiracy.

Unfortunately, i was really lazy to re-arrange my name (or that of my friends and family) and see what i can get. I seriously thought it could be The Great One! Okay, my name does not have the letter H, G or even R! Tat explained how bad im!

BUT, luckily, i managed to surf upon this website called Anagram Genius.

Although quite limited for the basic online search, which is good by the way, it does provide some interesting but at times meaningless anagrams.

My name anagrams to On Active. Sounds sexual right? Hahahahahaha. And im not going to tell. Some other anagrams of my good friends;

Alex Chiu = Hi! Ace Lux.
(sounds like e soap!)

Korny Kon = 'n' York 'n' OK.

Vanessa Tan = An ant saves.
(Vanessa is gonna be saved by an ant?)

If you wish to know more anagrams of your name (or any words), download the trial software available in the same website (mine anagrams to 1,421 findings)!

According to the website, Dan Brown used this infamous software to generate the anagrams for Da Vinci Code!

Yes, i AM active! :)

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