
Saturday, June 03, 2006

Xin Wang HongKong Cafe

There is another new kid on the "HongKong Cafes Craze" block in Singapore and its called New Prosperity @ Marina Square! And this time, i was not disappointed either with the level of service and most importantly, with its food!! Alex and I savoured a few dishes and here's e freaking reviews!!

1) Ice Milk Tea @ $2.90

The milk tea was really sedap! Its not too milky, not too thin and best of all, quenching to the thirst that resulted from the bloody hot weather that Singapore was facing recently! Of coz, i know i can get it at $1.50 from my favourite Prata shop. Hahaha

2) French Toast @$3.90

This was really amazing, great, fabulous!! The sweet taste of honey coupled with the hot crispy toast and the smooth butter put it on the top of my list! Only the one in Kim Gary can fight with it!! Dun be deceived by the picture; it was abused by us even before i can get a shot. lol. But, the size was quite minute.

3) Pork Chop with French Fries @$7.90

Before i can even try this course, Alex gulped down the eggs, chomped down the fries, leaving only the two pieces of pork there! I will say the pork was grilled to perfection though i admitted the gravy on the pork was really taseless, to e extent of non existent.

4) Cheese Baked Pork Chop Spaghetti @ $8.90

Yes, the spaghetti was there!! But it had been covered by a thick layer of cheese that was lip smacking good! Thats wat cheese baked products should be like! (hint: the hk cafe in IMM sucked in this aspect) The pork chop grilled to a crisp at e side and notwithstanding the bones, it was mouth watering.... *slurps* Surprisingly, the spaghetti dun really taste that 'out of ordinary' and the sauce was quite little, though it brought out the redness in the dish. lol

Overall, i liked this place. The service staff attending to us never hesitate to give us a smile. And the food was one of the better ones in Singapore, better than e one in Upper East Coast and of course IMM. The ambience was comparatively better than e others with red leather seats and even the menu looks great!

Rating 8/10


  1. Yo.. I drop by to say hi....

  2. hahahaha. How r u??
    Long time no see sia!

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

  4. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

  5. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
