
Sunday, June 04, 2006

Handle Bar

Not sure if any of you has heard of this bar that's situated near  the former Saint Andrews Junior College? I always passed by that area but had never ventured into it. So imagine my enthusiam when my friend suggested that area when we were scouting our way around Singapore for a place to chill out! Haha.

The Dark, Errie, Steep Staircase Leading to Handle Bar

Handle Bar is a meeting place for Harley Davidsons fans and riders alike! We reached ard 12 midnight (i think) and even though the bar was reserved for a private function, we were welcome to enter.

Once inside u can see that the ambience, decor were very unique. It was not so "showy showy" and was quite run down. However, any grouches were gone when u saw the deep, inset culture of the Harley spirt. Dunno how to describe it wif u people but u can see for urself at the photos below! Or please visit it at your earliest convenience!

The Pictures that Served as Wallpaper in The Male Toilet!

The Sink Area. Note all the Side Mirrors!

A bit Dark. We Found This Dinosaur somewhere around Handle Bar and our Dear Weeyuan was Fighting Bravely!!

Vanessa Cleaning the Asshole of the Dinosaur. Lol


  1. Hey, i didnt know the male toilet is so different from the female's toilet.. haha....

  2. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
