
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Songs of the Forest Zone @ Bird Paradise Mandai in Singapore

You sing like a bird - a compliment that is lost on me as I don't know how to appreciate the melodious singing from birds, plus I am known for being tone deaf.

Hence, I knew it would be for nothing when I stepped into the Songs of the Forest zone of Bird Paradise Mandai. To me, it's just vocalization from the birdies. 

At times, I wonder why I decided to accompany my dad and sister to this relocated bird park as my understanding of the bird species is severely lacking. Often, it's like that's pigeon lookalike, or how come that mynah looks so different. 

Occasionally, I would spot something pretty unique; like this green bird with black markings that had a head unlike many others. Of course I didn't know what it is! 

Information panel to the rescue; it turned out to be the Green Broadbill, which was said to be "incredible speed in flight". So thankful it wasn't flying as I am liking going to be miss it, given how unobservant I am. 

Those keen to revel in the songs of the forest may make use of the two amplifying devices. I attempted and heard nothing. Wait, am i supposed to blow it like a trumpet so that the birdies can hear us humans better? 

Walking is a necessity under the hot sun; with so much greenery, it's quite hard for me to spot the birds, unless they have a different shade, and are on the move. Interestingly, I didn't manage to catch sight of the birds featured on the webpage for Songs of the Forest

Separating each zone was an air-conditioned arena for us to languish in the cool temperature before venturing out to the next destination. Be thankful! 


Songs of the Forest Zone,

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