
Sunday, March 03, 2024

Sunday Morning Flea Market @ Malacca [Malaysia]

My mom and elder sister are early birds and when you add a son / brother who has insomnia; it means company for them in the early morning, when we travel together. And I have the added advantage of being pretty good in directions and navigation! 

But, I was still surprised to chance upon this Sunday morning flea market that's along a short, 100-meter odd road. Starting from 6.00 am, the time of our arrival was about 7.00 am.

It didn't feel crowded though, with just a few stalls, and there didn't seem to be much customers around. Whatever the case, lesser competitor to snatch a good deal from me! 

Despite the commercial aspect, people were unexpectedly friendly, exchanging greetings like friends. To enhance the relationship, you could have a game of carrom. And is that real animal fur?! 

Many second hand products, which I generally dislike buying given that I don't know much about their history and origins. I do have exceptions though; piggy banks! None on display though. 

Cassette tapes! Bet many of the younger generation didn't know what they are. To think about it, my generation had gone through three technological jumps; from cassette tape, to compact disc, to MP3 players and finally to streaming. 

At least I didn't go through the period of vinyl records! 


Along Jalan Hang Lekir, 
Jonker Walk, 75200 Melaka, Malaysia

As above. 

Operating Hours
6am till 12pm
(only on Sundays)

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