
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Dreamscape @ Changi International Airport Terminal 2 Transit Area [Singapore]

A garden is no longer a garden. Hereby presenting to you "dreamscape"; said to be "an immersive indoor garden where nature and technology merge in a magical symphony"! 

I think our beloved Changi Airport had managed to score another win in the international arena. With plants from over 100 species and numbering about 20,000, 19 hidden speakers broadcasted audio recordings from the nature that was just so soothing! 

Just looking at the mist was already so mesmerizing to the eyes. When I was young, I used to imagine I can shrink to the size of an ant, where such structures would be my never-ending playground. 

A section of dreamscape had this see-through glass platform allowing visitors to step on and it felt as if I was walking on water, with fishes swimming carefreely underneath me. 

Personally, I thought it would be layer to have a few millimeters of water to enhance the experience but I guess it would be messy with a high risk of wetting the carpets.

What amazed us the most was the expansive LED ceiling with its everchanging skyscape! The surreal feeling I got was that I am a fish in a pond, looking at the sky, where the weather changes, flowers above the water sway with the wind, raindrops on the water surface, an occasional otter swimming above me etc.

According to the writeup, "the ever-changing digital sky above mimics real-time weather conditions, creating an atmospheric light and sound show that evolves throughout the day at 30-minute intervals."


Changi International Airport Terminal 2,
Transit Level 2. 

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