
Friday, February 16, 2024

The Legend of Hoan Kiem Lake - The Softshell Turtle @ Ngoc Son Temple in Hanoi [Vietnam]

 A temple is a temple; and more so when I am not acquainted with the native language. Hence, aside from the traditional architecture, the deities being honored with etc, I wasn't expecting much when I crossed the bridge to Ngoc Son Temple.

This side building was assumed to be the washroom and my intention was just to take a pee before leaving the temple as I had to catch a flight in 90 minutes' time. But I stopped in my tracks when I stepped in.

Two displays of what appeared to be turtles were right in front of me! I am aware of the legend of the Hoan Kiem Lake (where Ngoc Son Temple was located) and wondered if these were just fake replicas.

Turned out they were real specimens from the lake itself! Called Sword Lake Turtle and officially known as Rafestus Swinhoei, a rare turtle species, the above weight 250 kilograms, with a 2.1-meter long and 1.2-meter wide shell.

The preservation method appeared to result in a plasticky look and this could be due to the technology then when the turtle died in 1967. One thing I am curious to know, how old was it when it passed away.

I was wondering what this was and sought the help from Google Translate; turned out to be a reproductive organ for the turtle! Why the fascination?! 

Second specimen was more realistic looking and I guess modern technology and inventions helped. It weighed much lower at 169 kilograms, with a 1.85-meter long and 1.08-meter wide shell.

Compared to the first specimen which died more than 50 years ago, this one was found dead at the base of the turtle tower of Hoan Kiem Lake in 2016, less than 10 years ago! Sadly, no one knows if there is any more live specimens in the lake, and general consensus from experts is that this is likely the last one in the lake.

Reproductive organ again.
Most importantly, was this male or female? 


P. Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Hàng Trống, 
Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội 100000, Vietnam

As above. 

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