
Monday, January 08, 2024

Family Mart Taiwan - Mystery Bag for the Year of the Dragon!

Back when I was a kid, a lot of mama shops would sell small black bags that had a picture of a question mark. Known as mystery bags, I would buy just for the excitement of wanting to be surprised although many a times; the items inside were absolutely useless!

Fast forward to a few decades later; right ahead of me before I stepped into a family mart branch at Taipei was an eye-watering display of red paper bags that were known as prosperity bags even though their function was similar to the mystery bags of my childhood. 

I purchased a bag for 249 Taiwan dollars (about S$10.68) and brought it back to Singapore! p.s. the lady who collected my money did warn me that inside would mainly be snacks, with maybe some coupons which I could only use in Taiwan!

Excitement of tearing apart the paper bag and peering to see what "treasures" I would be bestowed with! Time to unpack everything to the table for a closer look.

The full glory - a bottle of drink, two packs of kinder bueno, one bowl of instant noodle, three packs of snacks, one postcard, a pack of wet tissue, and two tiny black bags of don't know what. p.s. Alex loved the cheeze bits whereas I preferred the squid biscuits. 

Not pinning too much hope on these mini mystery bags.

Turned out to be two key chains of what appeared to be a tapir? Don't think I would be using them given my penchant for losing key chains. Who knows if they could fetch a fortune in the future!? Neh. 

Behind the postcard was a redemption coupon for two bottles of drinks worth 38 Taiwan dollars each! I would have to miss out on the deal since I wouldn't be returning to Taiwan until maybe a year later. My travel calendar is already quite full. 

Almost threw away the emptied bag when I noticed this envelope stapled to the inside of the bag. Would this be the biggest gift for the entire mystery bag?! Let's tear along the dotted line! 

A lucky draw coupon with more discount vouchers, including a 68% discount voucher for Pizza Hut! I was more attracted by the million dollar (I guess) lucky draw and happily scanned the QR code.

Okay, sure, I will download the Family Mart app.

Sadly, I am unable to do so as it is currently not available in my region / country! Oh well, not that it matters as the whole point of buying the mystery bag was born out of an excitement and curiosity to find out what's really inside. 

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