
Monday, March 27, 2023

One of The Many Little, Narrow Lanes in Between Buildings @ Ho Chi Minh City [Vietnam]

The above was the window view from our room within Vien Dong Hotel. With so many buildings tightly packed, one would wonder where exactly are the roads, and entrances to the buildings! 

Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to check it out alone, during the day! For safety reason, I chose a lane along Bui Vien Street that's close to our hotel, and it's a straight route that didn't look devoid of human activities.

With a provision store near the start of the lane was assuring as it means the cluster of buildings along the stretch would be filled with homes, and not some shady business. 

Lane was about 160 meters long; and one thing I noticed was the many budget hotels or hostels. In my search for accommodation in Ho Chi Minh City, I did notice these establishments but were worried that it might be hidden in some dark alleys.

Prices were incredibly cheap; imagine a single room that cost only 200,000 dong a night! That's only about S$11. Even a triple-person room would not set you back more than S$20.00 a night and this Tam Anh Guest House even provides air conditioning, hot shower, cable TV and free Wi-Fi! 

Always nice to see pet dogs around! The lane was quite narrow, which means a car wouldn't be able to drive all the way in. Maybe that's why motorbikes are way more popular than cars in Vietnam.

Back to the main road! I bet there are lanes that might be more interesting and with so many in the city; you might chance upon one, if you dare to explore. 


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