
Saturday, March 25, 2023

Hua Seng Hong Restaurant @ Bangkok Chinatown in Thailand

The high rating of 4.3 from over 2,100 reviewers caught my eye, and I saved the location of Hua Seng Hong Restaurant on Google Map as a dinner venue for the first day of my recent Bangkok trip with my mom and sister!

Surprisingly, there wasn't any queue upon our arrival at about 7.30 pm and we were ushered in immediately. Was I too early or too late? Or the crowd was drawn to the many street stalls along the road side?

Interior of the restaurant; nothing that particularly stood out. Most Chinese restaurants in Bangkok's Chinatown often had displays of dried yet pricey delicacies like bird's nest, shark's fins, sea cucumbers etc. 

So, I guess we had to bank on the food then! 

Shark's Fins - a serving of this controversial dish that cost 600 baht with the beansprouts and cilantro placed separately as there are people who literally hate them! I used to dislike cilantro but grow to like them as I got older.

Taste was okay but there was too much corn starch! Better to go with fish maw soup, which was supposed to be more nutritional and would reduce conflict with environmentalist friends! 

Dim Sum - I am totally happy to have dim sum for dinner even though it was more a breakfast or tea time fare. Prices ranged on average about 65 baht for each serving, which put it as less than S$3.00 per basket.

The usual har gow (prawn dumpling), siew mai (pork dumpling) weren't the type I was accustomed to having; former didn't taste fresh and latter was like everything mixed together with no taste. Favorite was the green one, which was Shui Jiao (水饺); and it was bursting with flavorful filling! 

Deep Fried Spring Roll
- these reminded me of dowager's fingers, that used prawns as fillings. Interestingly, there was a separate deep fried shrimp spring roll on the menu and I purposed ordered the one without shrimp as I prefer spring rolls with turnips. 

Rice with Roasted Duck, Barbecued Pork & Egg - remember the second picture with two roasted ducks that were hung? That prompted me to order this dish from the menu as my stomach wasn't quite full with the unsatisfying dim sum.

This sauce was the soul for the plain, white rice underneath all the meat and egg! It tasted like Japanese curry yet with a Chinese spin; maybe hoisin sauce was added? The egg, which I assumed was salted egg, turned out to be steamed egg with perfectly orangey, semi solidified yolk.

Roast duck was fatty and pretty delicious; could have been better if the skin was crisp. Char siew had a nice flavor although personally, I am all in for a sweeter marination and a charred, caramelized exterior. 


With so many options to choose from at Bangkok Chinatown, I would say the food we had wasn't impressive enough to make a second trip. However, I might just crave for the Rice with Roasted Duck, Barbecued Pork & Egg if I am in the vicinity. 

371, 373 ถ. เยาวราช Samphanthawong, 
Bangkok 10100, Thailand

As above. 


Shark's Fins - 600 baht
Dim Sum - 65 baht a basket
Deep Fried Spring Roll - 165 baht
Rice with Roasted Duck, Barbecued Pork & Egg - 165 baht

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