
Sunday, January 08, 2023

Bui Vien Street at Night - Saigon Night Spot @ Ho Chi Minh City [Vietnam]

Bui Vien Street is known by a few names in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC); some called it a Backpacker Street like Khao San in Bangkok, the older generation referred to it as the Western Street and nowadays, people know it better as a night spot when the sun sets! 

The actual street began before the main LED TV above a signboard bearing its name and frankly; it was a lot more 'tame' with eateries and cafes. 

Once you get past the signage, it's like almost a different world where alcohol mixes with dances, enhanced with vibrant lights and a lot of noise. p.s. the pictures taken were spread over a few days. 

While the street was audibly booming with music, our first day to Bui Vien Street on a Thursday meant a much reduced crowd and also more pushy staff members who kept tugging us into their bars and pubs! 

Tables and chairs were strewn onto the street. Even though it was supposed to be a walking street, motorcycles continued to stream in and it can be a hot mess whenever there was a bottleneck!

Halloween decorations as our visit coincided with the westernized celebration. I would have a separate post for 31 October 2022 as I presume there would be people who took effort to dress up on the actual day.

The crowd; most were just walking past to get a feel of the vibe, and not actually patronizing the night spots. Even for my group, we walked along this street almost every night and not once did we step into the pubs / clubs. Mainly because only the Great Kon and I drink, and Alex doesn't like such places.

Honestly, I wouldn't know which to choose also. The night spots try to differentiate with music, decorations, projectors and even dancers. For me, I guess it would depend on the pricing of the beer. Yes, I am just simply.
A few captivated me with their mascots and name; for example, the clown and space bar! Latter of which was quite funny as a techie person wouldn't think of it as a bar for aliens. 

Random photos!

I really pitied those residents who are living along Bui Vien Street. Even though I am staying at a hotel alongside a parallel street about 150 meters away, I can still hear the music being blasted until late at night. 

Grilled squid would be perfect with a mug of cold beer!

Nearing the end of the main section (about 320 meters), with normalcy returning. Kon was telling me that before the pandemic; there weren't that many bars and pubs. 

Looking back, towards the direction of the LED screen. I just noticed a rooftop bar and a search brought me to Le'FĂȘ Rooftop Bar; which would be worth a visit in my next trip to HCMC
Security personnel to restrict entry for motorbikes and a police car on standby; I think this was activated only on days like weekends and in the evenings. So, I would only consider Bui Vien as a semi-walking street, given the conditions.

Check out my short video here!


Pham Ngu Lao, District 1, 
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

As above.

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