
Thursday, December 15, 2022

Tam Durian Trading - Indulging in MSW @ Kluang [Malaysia]

Durians in Singapore are known to be exorbitantly expensive given the penchant for better species and the fact that they are all imported from Malaysia; hence, when I was in
Kluang recently, we decided to seek out a good-reviewed durian stall. 

Google Map brought me to Tam Durian Trading! p.s. the location on Google was wrong and I have just submitted an edit. The actual location is at the corner of Jalan Dato Teoh Siew Khor and Jalan Mersing. 

Pricing of the well like Mao Shan Wang (MSW or cat mountain king) - RM55 per kilogram which worked out to be about S$16. In Singapore, we tend to use the location and age of the trees to determine the quality of MSW but in Malaysia, it seemed like they use letter grade. I might be wrong.

Although it's durian trading, the store offers more than just durians. Most importantly, there were tables and chairs for us to indulge in the king of fruits! That's beneficial as most, if not all, hotels don't allow guests to bring durians into the rooms, given their controversial aroma.

2.1 kilograms of goodness.
Honestly, it appeared heavier than that.

My dearest mom is always happy when she has durians! And my parents are lucky that out of their three children, I am the only one who continues to love the fruit whole-heartedly.

Look at the amount of pulp! Taste was obviously important and this featured the signature bitter-sweetness that my mom couldn't resist; albeit, a bit more sweet than bitter. 

However, I especially love it when you take the individual segment, put it into your mouth and have a generous amount of pulp oozing into your mouth! That's pure satisfaction! 

Sadly, there were only about seven seeds!
Flat, they were though. 

What goes well with the King of Fruits? Of course the Queen of Fruits; mangosteen! At RM 10 a bag, we decided to buy one to even out the heatiness of durians. 

Again, the quality didn't disappoint; nicely segmented with small or no seeds. I would prefer if they were a bit more chilled though but not many would do it like I do; buying a few kilograms from the market, put in the fridge and slowly finish them over a few days. 

By the way, prepacked, chilled durians were available too! 


49, Jalan Mersing, Kampung Masjid Lama, 
86000 Kluang, Johor, Malaysia

As above.

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