
Tuesday, October 11, 2022

海南山云吞面 Hai Nan Shan Wanton Noodle @ Wah Yen Coffee Shop [Sin Ming Road, Singapore]

Last Saturday was supposed to be a meetup with former colleagues but one of them fell ill. Hence, I took the free time to accompany my mom to the Sin Ming Road district to visit my grand aunties and uncles.

Before then, we should always stuff our stomach with food. Knowing my mom, a visit to one household can stretch for hours and there were at least three families on our to-go agenda. Wah Yen Coffee Shop shall be the one! 

After some deliberation, I went with the safest bet for breakfast; wanton noodle from Hai Nan Shan (海南山云吞面). Appearing newly renovated, there were other options like hokkien mee, carrot cake etc. However, this was the only stall that continuously drew customers. 

Loving it when stalls have a container full of crispy pork lard for me to help myself! Another thing I like to see would be the chopped up spring onions; they add so much aroma and crunch to soup.

Here's my wanton noodle; S$4.00 with black sauce and added with tomato. Actually, I kind of misheard the guy as nowadays, I prefer non-black given that the black version can be a tad too sweet for my ageing palate.

S$4.00 for a bowl filled with 5 pieces of sizeable wantons (dumplings)! My common grouch with wanton mee was that the wantons are usually too pathetically small; to the extent I don't understand why wanton noodle has to be named after the wantons! 

Not only were the ones here big; the meat filling was as generous. Granted they didn't blow me away, but it was still a moment of satisfying happiness whenever I bit into the wantons. And the soup had pieces of fatty minced meat! 

Now the noodles; my mee kia was the rubber band texture kind which I do enjoy. Only issue for me was the black sauce which, expectedly, resulted in a sweeter, rather than savory flavor. Fault was mine though as I should have gone for non-black, which was an option. 

Frankly, when I see this kind of char siew, you would notice a slight frown on my forehead. This kind would likely be lean and bland. Turned out they were tasty with a tenderness added with a bit of delicious fat in every bite. Pork lard was crispy although I would prefer them bigger! 



Block 23, Sin Ming Rd, 
Wah Yen Coffee Shop, 
Singapore 570023

As above.

As above.

Wanton Noodle - S$4.00

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