
Saturday, September 24, 2022

Mom's Birthday 2022

It's the busy September period where a few of my family members would be celebrating their birthdays! Within my immediate family, my mom is the first to be presented with the cake! 

My elder sister was just teasing her the other day about the wearing of samfoo; which she said she would start donning it from the age of 50. It never materializes although it was understandable given that it's no longer as trendy.

Fans at the restaurant kept blowing out the candle and we had to request nicely that they be shut off for a few minutes. It was a small cake we purchased this time, from Chateraise, as my family isn't that big on cakes. 

Knowing the confectioneries from Chateraise wouldn't come cheap, I was surprised to hear that this was less than S$20 as it was some cake of the month!

Time to sing and blow out the candle! Long, long time ago, everyone was saying we must put out the exact number of candles that corresponds to the age; no one does it nowadays as it can be time consuming sticking the candles in and then removing them, not to mention the higher risk of wax dripping onto the cake.

This mango princess cake was delicious! Cream wasn't cloyingly sweet, sponge cake was soft and fluffy and the mangoes were sweet. 

Even though I have wished her multiple times, here's another belated Happy Birthday to my mom. Hope she would win more lottery and remain healthy!

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