
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Kartika Sari (Dago Branch) - More Food Souvenirs to Bring Home; Just Like Bengawan Solo @ Bandung [Indonesia]

Further to my posting on Amanda's steamed brownies, another brand heavily patronised and well loved by visitors to Bandung would be Kartika Sari.

I visited the branch at the Dago district and was totally blown away by the impressive variety of snacks, biscuits, pastry and kuehs; it's like stepping into a humongous Bengawan Solo store! You can even get a hamper if you wish to lug it back to Singapore! 

See, see, see; aren't you getting wide-eyed, as i was, with the pictures so far?! That's not even a complete set as i didn't manage to take all the sections.

Since we had already purchased plenty of steamed brownies from Amanda, we honestly didn't have the strength and empty hands to buy and carry Kartikasari's signature lapis cakes! p.s. Bandung's kueh lapis (layered cake) was supposedly even better than Batam / Bintan's version; i didn't know until i returned from my trip! Must really knock myself on the head. 

The much lighter dried snacks like butter toast, almond cookies etc would be a much easier load for us! As with Amanda, there wasn't any free sampling and i was in a fix on what to buy since there were so many things to choose from... 

474,500 rupiah worth of snacks for family and friends! 

I also got this pack of banana rolls that looked absolutely delicious! Befitting a person born under the Chinese zodiac of monkey, i adore bananas and this love can be seen in the way i seek to improvise the banana cake recipe

Pity they didn't taste as good as they appeared to be; the mashed bananas in the middle had a bitter aftertaste and were not sweet. I had to force myself to finish all six pieces as none of my family members was interested to share. Fat die me! :(


Kartikasari Dago
Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 
No. 85 Bandung, Indonesia


Additional Information
There was a restaurant in the same building that's opened by Kartika Sari; i didn't check out the menu as i didn't have time but i think you might be able to sample some of their store products, for a fee of course. 

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