
Wednesday, February 01, 2017

The Lack of Posts!

No thanks to the festive celebration for the new lunar year, a lower immunity and a particularly infectious patient zero (my mom by the way), i am down with cough, sore throat and strangely, fever at night!

In usual circumstances, i would be able to blog despite the discomfort. This time round, it's different; I have yet to visit a doctor and am relying on Alex's medication for sore throat and cough which is totally fine except for the drowsiness-induced cough syrup.

I would very much love to restart my postings on the Bandung trip (next of which is the sari ater hot spring that's, in my honest opinion, better than the poring hot spring at Kota Kinabalu) but i am afraid i have to disappoint my readers once again.

Hopefully, i would be awake and alert for a longer period tomorrow evening after work. Enjoy the fifth day of the rooster year and remember to drink tons of plain water!

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