
Monday, February 06, 2017

Cimahi Tea Plantation @ Bandung [Indonesia]

My initial plan was to include this tea plantation as part of the detailed breakdown for the post on day two of my bandung trip but i have been so overwhelmed with work and the lunar new year (celebration of which continues until this Saturday); i decided to break it up! 

Anyway, i was just commenting to the driver, Mr Askan, that the view on my side looked great with a mountain in the background and before i knew it, he drove us right down to the middle of the tea plantation for photo taking.

The ladies didn't bother joining me in stepping out of the motor vehicle as they had only one objective after the therapeutic hot spring at Sari Ater and that's to fill up their empty stomachs!

As it wasn't my first time to a tea plantation (it wasn't too long ago that i walked from the hotel to a tea plantation at Cameron Highlands), my interest was honestly not strong and i just took a few customary shots simply because i was already there.