
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Catching a Fly with Your Bare Hands!

A fly in a small office can create much irritation and despite opening the entrance door big-big to invite the "pest" out of our tiny office, that larger than the norm bugger still prefer the comfort of air conditioning which would have been fine so long it stays stationary!

To cap the frustration, it even took to targeting the humans by landing on our hair, buzzing around our ears etc. Hence, imagine my shock when i caught it in a split moment as it was resting on my fringe. I thought i had missed but look at that black stuff in between my fingers!

The kind soul within me didn't have the heart to squeeze the motionless fly harder to ascertain its death. Therefore, i brought it out to the green patch outside the office for a proper burial. I released my grip and that supposedly dead prick took the opportunity to escape right after i took the above photo! Ass!!!!

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