
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Oralmedic Ulcer Gel (口健樂) - Have Ulcer in Your Mouth That Never Seems to Heal? Stop the Pain in Just a Few Seconds with a Gel! #oralmedic #mouthulcer

Note: Disturbing photos below.
I have the tendency to develop mouth ulcers that took a long while to heal and this can be extremely irritating, especially when i am about to embark on an overseas trip or there are plans to review a dining establishment.

Recently, i had this huge, painful ulcer on my lip and was complaining to my colleague about it when she commented that her hubby has the same problem but he has found a perfect solution via a topical solution chanced upon in Hong Kong!

Oralmedic (口健樂) - You know what? It's actually available in Singapore and i found it in Guardian Pharmacy! It's hard to miss the bright orange and yellow packaging although i swear i have never seen it all my life despite always looking to purchase the conventional bonjela and kenalog.

Upon removal from the box, you would see this caution sticker; read it carefully, twice or three times if need be and do as per instructed. It can be rather scary as i noted things like "do not apply on non-ulcer area" and "rinse mouth thoroughly and spit it out"; sounds like i am drinking poison actually!

This bloody thing cost me close to S$7.00 and as indicated on the packaging, this would be good for only ONE treatment and as you can see, only a singular, supposedly sterilized cotton bud was provided!

Purplish gel - the poison medication. 

I doubt you would need any further instruction on how to use the gel and the cotton bud. In case you are in dire need for exact instruction; just coat the bud with the gel (ensure you could use as much gel as possible since it is only ONE use).

Before applying the coated bud onto the ulcer, use a tissue / paper towel to dry the ulcer. A dry surface tends to enhance the absorption and this is true for bonjela and kenalog too. 

Now the anticipation - i was pre-warned that the pain would be so bad; there's a high possibility my tear ducts would open automatically. Hence, I was prepared for the worst scenario - tears streaming down my face. 

I dabbed the purple gel and there was an immediate stinging sensation! It was a few seconds of agony and even though i didn't tear, i could not control my saliva glands and i was literally raining saliva onto my laminated floor!  Alex was helping me take the photos and even he couldn't help laughing at my lack of control. 

Strangely, the pain stopped as promised once the stinging phase was over. After i rinsed my mouth thoroughly and spat out the content, i noticed a thin layer of film-like material; seeing is one thing but i could actually feel it too! That weird layer stayed for a few days without causing any pain and the ulcer healed up after that. 

I did take a wrong step by dabbing the gel onto the area surrounding the ulcer too as i didn't want to put it to waste! Haha. Nevertheless, i still have about half the gel left and i don't care; keep it in the fridge so that i can get the most out of the money i paid! 


Where To Get It
At Guardian Pharmacy outlets in Singapore

Oralmedic Mouth Oral Gel - S$6.90 


  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Thanks for sharing!! It a amazing product

    1. I also think so but such a terrible stinging pain when you apply the gel!!!!
