
Saturday, June 06, 2015

Louise's Birthday 2015

I guess i had better blogged on this before Jovyn's birthday which is coming in another two weeks' time! Honestly, i really need to cut down on travelling; aside from the higher expenditure, i am having an unprecedented backlog for the blog! 

For those who have been following the birthday postings, you would have realised pattern! Similar cakes, almost the same place with familiar sofas but i make a point to come out with a post every year for a reason.

To reflect the progression as we age; it's like a time lapse over a long period of time and would be interesting to look at when we are in our 80s, 90s or even 100s.

Louise with her favourite gal who has gained quite a bit of weight although she remains as charming as ever; making everyone similes where ever she goes. 

Mustn't neglect Jerald too! Cannot imagine he is now in primary two!

While most kids would identify the doll as Elsa, Jovyn adamantly declared that the name is none other than "princess"! Gosh, even i know Elsa is a queen!!!! 

Anyway, let the singing began with four different versions; the usual, the mandarin, the malay and then the christian version. Both kids are extremely close to their Indian neighbors and it would be a matter of time they start to sing in Tamil / Hindi. 

The kids have an ultimate objective for attending birthdays - to blow the candles!! And that's so rude considering that the birthday boy / girl should take precedence! Louise didn't have a chance at all! 

Cutting the cake! For this, only Jovyn was interested. 

Cedele's carrot cake used to be memorable and i am afraid it wasn't as good as before; the one we had was a tad too dry for my liking and the cream cheese frosting didn't taste as fresh too. :( 

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