
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Parasailing - An Exhilarating Experience @ Pulau Sapi [Kota Kinabalu]

I am known for my adventurous, daredevil traits and despite my fear for heights, i always seek to challenge that fear by attempting daring, somewhat safe activities like Forest Adventure.

In my most recent overseas trip, i had the opportunity to fight that fear again and it started by forking out RM 100 per person (or RM 180 for two persons) and then following a bunch of like-minded adventurers to the jetty.

Take the speedboat that would send you to a distant place where the adventure shall begin.

Once it has ventured far beyond the island, one of the crew shall unravel the bunch of materials at the back in a careful manner; ensuring that the ropes are not tangled up!

Rising against the wind, the rainbow parachute started to take shape and without wasting any time, the "captain" of the boat barked at the six of us; "who wants to go first?".

We shall take the lead! As with coral flyer, leave the dressing up to the professionals, especially when the boat was rocking unsteadily on water.

It's ready!

With his nifty fingers, likely accustomed to the same procedure for years, he fastened the strap, hooked the carabiners.

We were asked to sit down on the platform at the back of the boat and get ready for the lift. Want to take some photos? Pass your camera (including mobile phone) to the friendly crew and they would be more than willing to take hundreds of shots for you!

I brought along my Olympus tough camera with me instead as i prefer to have control over my own photos; do note you bear the risk if you accidentally drop your camera / any other item you brought along into the great ocean.

Take-off as the speedboat got smaller and smaller!

The excitement was amazing and it was so carefree up in the sky where there's no one else except myself, and that bugger right next to me.

My apology; he was actually quite quiet and like me, was enjoying the exhilarating sight in front of him with the strong sea breeze brushing against his face and hair.

Option at no extra cost - would you wish to touch the water? You can choose to have only your feet wet, up to your knees or a splash that would require a change of pants. Make your decision and inform the "captain" before you take off!

Breathtaking view in front of us!

From the picture, you might have assumed that the nervousness has worn off; not really as you could see how tightly our hands would grasping the suspension lines!

Shadow of the parasail.

I couldn't really quite gauge how high we were but for any person with a phobia for heights, it doesn't really matter!!! I was more worried that a great white would jump out and grab me by my feet!

The islands ahead of us!

After about six minutes up in the sky, we mere mortals would eventually be banished back to the ground.

The final splash (up to our knees as we agreed) before we were reined in.

RM 180 - gone in six minutes! Given the chance, i honestly would not mind paying again! Next time i shall try the helicopter up the mountains or something.

Next team for the launch!

Control of the launching and retrieving apparatus was via the captain's foot!

I bet we were like that a few moments before. This reminded me of Jurassic Park 3 starting scene; no need to worry since the sky was so bloody clear!

A few other photos.

There were quite a few operators for parasailing and for safety reason, we could only see other groups from afar and anyway, i have full trust in our captain who was my age and had been in this trade for fifteen years!

Time to wrap up!

Photos taken from my iphone by the crew member. Like many people in the tourism trade, the crew had quite a knack for taking good photos!


How to Purchase
As i joined a tour for the island trip, a representative would turn up once we arrived at Sapi Island to share with us the list of sea activities we could join. Don't fret if you don't have sufficient cash, they would collect the money when you reach back at the hotel.

Parasailing for One - RM 100
Parasailing for Two (together) - RM 180

For the summarised itinerary of my 7 days, 6 nights Kota Kinabalu (Borneo Island) trip, please click here

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