
Friday, January 16, 2015

Teochew Meat Puff (潮州猪肉香饼) - Sinful, Delicious Snack @ Singapore Pasar Malams!

Long time ago, the one stall i always looked out for whenever i cut through a pasar malam would disperse an aroma that either embraces or disgusts; stinky tofu! Sad to say, i seldom see the stall nowadays in the night markets although my obsession has now switched to another stall.

Teochew Meat Puff (潮州香饼) stall - if i remember correctly, the meat was limited to only oyster in the past but given the love for variety by locals, there are presently four types of puffs you can choose from!

Octopus with Pork, Oyster with Pork, Prawn with Pork and lastly Vegetable! Do note that the 'vegetable' here was a misnomer as it would be unsuitable for vegetarians given the sprinkling of tiny little fishes on the batter! 

Anyway, the queue to line up just to get your hands on just one piece of meat puff can be incredibly long, even at about 3pm when i had 15 persons right in front of me! There's a reason for the snaking queue and that's aside from the puffs being irresistibly delicious! 

The puffs were only made and deep fried upon your order! That's freshness to the max - okay i am exaggerating as i can't expect the operators to kill the pork or fish for live prawns right in front of me!

Assembling the order seemed simple enough for an onlooker like me but to repeat the same motion continuously throughout the day must be exhausting! After putting the liquid batter on the metal scoop, it's a layer of Chinese celery which tasted much better cooked than raw.

Next up would be a generous layer of minced pork and depending on your choice, a few pieces of octopus, oysters or prawn. 

Another blanket of batter to cover up the main ingredients.

And it's time to let the batter meet the boiling hot oil! I have no idea how the operator differentiates the Oyster from the Prawn etc, especially when there could be as many as ten of them in the pot! My suspicion tells me to look at the number of peanuts they flick on top of the batter before throwing them into the oil. 

My usual order consisted of two prawns-with-pork meat puffs and in a recent development thanks to mom who decided to let me try her vegetable puff, i have now upped my order to at least three puffs per request! 

What am i so obsessed with it? A hot, crispy batter would always be welcome on the cool nights we have been encountering in Singapore recently but most importantly, it was the meaty filling that made the huge difference; comprising of fattening (and juicy) minced pork, the flavour was enhanced by a splattering of mushrooms bits! 

Eat it with Thai chilli sauce to up the yummy factor!! To me, they are more than snacks as in many occasions, they are really dinner! Too many you have purchased? Keep them your fridge and toast them up next day!


Where to Find the Stall?
This is tricky since pasar malams (night markets) are temporary and there is no specific, permanent location for the meat puff stall. Not to worry, you can always contact the operators (name as attached above) to find out their latest location.

Contact Number

Updates on location are also shared on their facebook page. 'Like"

Menu Prices
As above

Prawn with Pork Meat Puff - S$2.50
Vegetable Puff - S$1.30

Additional Information
There was more than just meat puff even though my focus has never veered from it! Nevertheless, just treat them as additional options for those craving for fried mushrooms, sweet potatoes, steamed corn etc.

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