
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Away From Singapore to the "Necklace of Pearls"

By the time you read this, i should be in the airport waiting to board the plane bringing me to the "necklace of pearls". For those who are wondering where this country is, look at the satellite map i took from google map. 

Image taken from here.
Still thinking? Check out the hint above. 

Image taken from here
Yes lah, it's Maldives! Let's set things straight; i am not going to stay in exclusive, luxurious resorts as the one shown above. Instead, it would be a road less trodden; that of a budget traveller! 

Look out for the itinerary after my trip! Oh, just to share, i have created a new label for "travel itineraries" for those interested to have a summarised caption of my travelogues. Check it out here.

*praying for a safe trip*

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