
Monday, July 28, 2014

Your 80s Haunted House Ride - Swiss Castle (古堡怪談) @ Yun Hsien Resort, Wulai [Taipei, Taiwan]

From young, i have been intrigued by those haunted house rides at makeshift amusement parks but the change in times has sadly rendered them extinct in Singapore. Hence, you can imagine how surprised we were to find it in Taiwan! 

As the pricing was very affordable at only NT$50 per person, we decided to give it a try and relive our childhood memories.

The classic monster car for two persons! Given that i am much older now (with experience of visiting cemeteries at night), i am well aware that this kiddy ride would not score high on the scare-chart.

Entering into darkness via the mouth of this Japanese monster! 

I am always curious as to what was the 'real' face of those displays when they are flushed with light rather than the lack of it. Got my chance this time as we were the only customers and i doubt the flashes from my camera would disturb anyone.

Coloured lights, recorded sound effects and moving robotic parts were the heyday in the past. Nowadays, the advanced technology used in movies have greatly increased our expectation for scary. And i guess the "in" thing now is more with the realistic concept of USS Halloween Horror Nights.  

With lights, i can also clearly see what items were used to create the effect; fan to make the windows open and close, audio system in front of the exhibit etc. There were non-related stuff like ladders and boxes of unknown! 

There should be a few resident 'ghosts' but as we visited on a lull Thursday morning, they might not be on duty. Whatever the case, it was nice rekindling those young memories.


More to come for the dated Yun Hsien Resort! Do check out "Day 8" of my Taiwan itinerary here; i shall hyperlink the Yun Hsien Resort once i have posted a full post on it. 

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