
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Jovyn's Third Birthday!

Time flies, especially so as we get older. It seemed not too long ago when Jovyn was still an infant and i remember commenting to my mom in the hospital then that she had huge bulldog cheeks. 

Yesterday, we celebrated her third birthday!

Sporting a new hairstyle so unlike her, this little baby of ours has grown to be a lady, notwithstanding the fact that she is still a rough gem in the making for one who enjoys bullying her elder brother, physically. 

Yes, yes, yes, they are very close. The closeness is to the extent Jovyn doesn't even want to stay over at our house without the brother! But wait till you see her immediate reaction when her good nature brother pisses her off, even if it is purely unintentional. 

Let the family celebration begin! 

As you can see, both of them love birthdays and as i explained before, the family has never had to have so many birthday cakes in a year. Sometimes, my younger sister would purposely buy a cake so that they can sing the birthday song.

Don't belittle the birthday song and think it is our usual "happy birthday to you"; it comes in four various format from English to Mandarin, Malay and even a Christian version! Hm.... how come no Tamil ah?! Must ask my friends to teach me! 

The blowing of birthday candles is always contentious. In its original form, the birthday boy / girl shall be given the privilege to do so. In our family, the two kids would compete to be the first! 

Being the dominant sibling, Jovyn was extremely unhappy to have her privilege taken away just because she wasn't quick enough! Hence, the candles were re-lighted, just for the birthday girl. 

It took her three attempts to blow out all the candles! Isn't she adorable?!?!?!?

The cake cutting required the special assistance of the designated maid; my younger sister whose bond with the two kids are stronger compared to mine. By the way, i did have a role as the designated photographer for the family.

Pictures of the families!

For any kid, unwrapping the presents is always an exciting affair! Check out her serious look as she tried her best to remove the wrapper without much success. The scotch tape used was too strong for her puny hands! 

Voila!! Frankly, i think as adults, we are just as excited when it comes to unwrapping gifts. However, we are no longer as innocent and many of us are guilty in attaching a certain value for a present that was given in good faith and sincerity! 

A two sided easel (one side for chalk, the other for markers) from my younger sister and i. Psst, i have yet to make any payment to her as i suspect she still owes me money. 


For those who have been great supporters of Jovyn who never ceases to amuse us with her bulldog cheeks and cute antics; thank you and let's all wish her a happy birthday! 

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