
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nuffnang - Your Account Has Been Involved In Click Fraud

Like any honourable person out there on the street, i absolutely detest to be called / implied to be a cheater or a fraudster! To suggest that i am a fraudster TWICE is making me extremely incensed! 

No thanks to the Nuffnang team who sent me the above email this morning.

It is my second time receiving this email and although there were supposedly sufficient evidence to prove that fraud activity is involved, the most the company did is to offer three possible scenarios of what MIGHT have happened:

- clicking on your own CPC (cost-per-click) ads repeatedly
- getting your visitors to click your CPC ads repeatedly
- your visitors clicking on your CPC ads repeatedly

The first time i received the mailer, i was really keen to understand what could have contributed to the fraud activities since i don't encourage readers to click on any of the advertisements on this blog! I even went a step further by sending a ticket to Nuffnang requesting for details, nicely. 

It has been almost a year and i have yet to receive any reply. Never mind, the kind-hearted soul in me has calmly told me that Nuffnang is a huge company and it might be facing a manpower crunch, like many other companies in Singapore nowadays.
So, coming back to the root of the problem, 
what could i do to deter click fraud?! 

Nothing i guess, save for asking readers NOT TO CLICK ON ANY MORE ADVERTISEMENTS lest it makes me more pissed to receive a third email with similar content in the future!

On second thought, i think that's a great suggestion! It's best not to click on any more advertisements since you might be contributing to additional stress and frustration for the bloggers. 

Just continue to patronise our blog; we could still earn via another mode that takes into consideration unique visitors which i believe is tied to individual IP addresses. 


  1. I received the same letter too when I tried to cash out. Other than the fact that i hold my dignity in Blogging high and never attempted any underhand means of generating clicks much like yourself. The letter really perplexed me.

    If they already knew the about the fraudulent clicks, why have they not bothered to stop it earlier? why highlight it only when I want to cash out?

    1. I feel for you!!!!!! There would be another cash out soon and i sure hope i would not receive another nasty notification that innocent me has committed fraud again. :(
