
Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The Lawn Grill & Salad Café @ Biopolis Way [Near Buona Vista MRT Station]

To cut the long story short, I was invited for a food tasting session at "The Lawn" a few months ago but the cafe was closed for stock taking even though i had already informed i would be available then. 

Granted i have to bear some responsibility as i neglected to seek a confirmation. However, this incident left a really very bad taste in my mouth. When i was invited once again to check out their new outlet, i declined even though i specifically mentioned about that incident.

No, there wasn't even a courtesy reply!

Nonetheless, this didn't stop me from visiting one wet afternoon for lunch, together with a few of my colleagues who were craving for salads! As many are aware, i am not a vegetable person and would therefore be subject to certain prejudice that might appear even more unfair to the cafe after my unhappy episode. 

Having these colleagues around would help to give a more balanced review. 

In addition to creating your own salad box topped with a wide variety of toppings (you choose five) and dressed in one of their eight home-made dressings, the key selling point was definitely the pairing of grilled items to savourise the healthy meal. 

For those who could not do without carbohydrates, there was an option to have a serving of olive rice together with a grilled item and side salad. One colleague coupled it with the asparagus and eggplant which were in fact quite good. I must also add that the ladies absolutely loved the olive rice! 

I am sticking to my salad box. 

At first glance, even i have to admit the server was too generous with my choice of maple grilled chicken breast; so much so that i could barely see the bed of crisp and fresh vegetables hidden right beneath it!

I could not remember what i selected for my five toppings although i vaguely recalled sunflower seeds, cucumber, raisins, boiled egg and maybe, grapes. For dressing, it was the sweet honeyball.

Frankly, it took me a while to clean up the bowl, which was huge! The three ladies, veterans of commercial salad bars, shared that it was absolutely well worth the money!

Since i have never patronised a salad bar before, my comments shall therefore be limited to the following; the greens were choked with freshness, the grilled chicken had a subtle maple taste that was not excessively flavoured and i was simply blown away by the great selection of toppings and unique dressings! 


31 Biopolis Way, 
Nanos #01-07
[Near Buona Vista MRT Station]

As above


Basic Salad Box - S$9.90
Basic Olive Rice - S$9.90
[Nett but premium options and additional servings would incur extra charges]

Additional Information
You can top up your salad at S$2.90 for a can drink, soup and bun or S$3.90 for a regular coffee, soup and swiss roll! Thinking vegetables would not satisfy my tummy, i paid for the former. 

Despite its 'chunky' feel, the cream of mushroom tasted way too thin. Saving grace was the appetising bun which came soft and warm; a great companion to the soup on a rainy day! 


  1. jonathan12:25 AM

    hey cavin, thanks for dropping by the lawn. my bad on the poor email etiquette. my sincrere apologies. glad you made the trip down nonetheless, even more so to know that you enjoyed the meal =) do let me know if you ever drop by the new outlet, i will be more than willing to play host to you.

    -jonathan, the lawn.

    1. Hi Jonathan,

      It's amazing how fast you managed to respond just mere hours after i posted this entry! No matter what, i appreciate your comment. Be assured that my colleagues and myself would patronise The Lawn again in the very near future.

      Thank you for your kind offer but i would be more than happy to pay for my own food. :)

