
Monday, September 09, 2013

Tombs of the Four Children [FOUND] - 1979 Geylang Bahru Murder

I still remember what my hairdresser said when she heard i was visiting Lim Chu Kang cemetery during the inauspicious ghost month last year; "go check out the tombs of the children who were murdered in 1979. a lot of gamblers go there and pray for winning 4D numbers!"

Nothing beats a ghost story and a murder case to intrigue me to comb through Singapore's only operating burial ground. I failed in my attempt then but a friend who hails from Singapore Paranormal Investigation found the exact location and buzzed me on facebook! 

Maybe i should share a bit of the story to perk you up. 

Back in 1979, a horrific murder in Block 58 Geylang Bahru shocked the entire nation; four young siblings between the age of five and ten were found dead in the toilet of their one-room flat. The extent of the murderer's (or murderers') cruelty is disturbingly violent. Not only were the kids slashed and hacked to death (the eldest boy's arm was almost severed from the body), they were also stacked on top of one another as if they were mere trophies of war. 

Till now, the case remains a mystery.

Placed neatly in a row with all of them spotting the same design, it's actually very easy to spot the tombs although they were nothing like the beautifully and elaborately decorated version that i have heard from some people. 

Unlike other children tombs in the vicinity, traces of worship / gifts were found in the form of toys and sweets scattered around the four tombs. 

Tan Kok Soon - the second youngest child of the family. Not sure about you but i felt a despairing sense of pity and loss that his life was taken away so early! For those who are contemplating suicide, think of these kids here! They would love to grow up and enjoy life yet the option was not given to them...

Since it was the seventh lunar month when i took the pictures a few weeks ago, some of the temples had also organised rituals aimed at relieving the souls' suffering in this particular section. 

May the children rest in peace and may the murderer (or murderers) be brought to justice soon! Karma would make sure the blood debt is paid. 

Interested to read more of the murder case? Click here and here.

[Update on 20 September 2013]
A friend found a youtube link to an episode of "True Files" which talked about the murder in much greater detail! 

Thanks for informing me, Yao Tian!


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous12:24 AM

      Can I know is e tomb exact location is at cck which part?

  2. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Where is the couple now ?

    1. not sure and i don't think they would want to be reminded of the pain and suffering for losing 4 of their kids.

    2. They continued living in the same apartment, and 5 years later they were blessed with the birth of a baby boy.

    3. thanks for the update!

  3. hey, do you have the exact location to their graves?

    1. I know how to go there... Haha. Google map doesn't have street view there (unsurprising) but it's near Choa Chu Kang Columbarium.

    2. I want to visit as well - they were my neighbours.

    3. Anonymous3:48 AM

      Me too... I only know it's path 11... Can u kindly provide exact location?

    4. i think the area has been exhumed. Maybe I can check out and provide an update soon.

    5. Anonymous12:53 AM

      hi bro calvin, have u found the exact location of the siblings tomb yet? please share if u do... 🙏🙏🙏

    6. hallo! I did but i guess they have moved by now.

  4. So Sad, May their souls rest in peace. May they a wonderful life in the next birth

  5. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Omg so sadddd

    1. it is! hope justice would be served to them soon!

  6. U know what, the person who killed these 4 kids is their own father.. Just think of it and all the dots can join together.. Their parents owes a lot of money to their 4D creditors.. And in order not to let their kids suffer and they love them v much, they kill them believing they will go into a better place. This explains why their neighbour didnt hear the screaming sounds of the kids.. And they kill them before they went to work..

    1. hm..... that would have been shocking, although not totally impossible. my understanding is that the dad has already passed away.

  7. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I really find the parents most suspicious..

    1. you are not the first one to say that! so many rumours...
