
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dad's Birthday 2013!

September is a bad month for my finance. Just on birthdays alone, i have three immediate family members who were born in the month of September and two of them happened to be the 'supplier' for my existence!

Whining aside, they are also the main provider of unlimited love and enduring care, raising me up from a three-kilogram baby to the short yet heavy chap i am today. And for that, i am deeply grateful....

Anyway, yesterday's was Dad's 61st birthday!

Last year on the exact same date, I was at the city of Chengde, where the Qing emperors escaped from the hot summer in Beijing, with my parents as a birthday treat from the three of us. There was no celebration as we didn't inform the rest of our tour mates and i could not find a place that sells birthday cakes! 

This year was vastly different; he had the company of his talkative children and noisy grandchild (Jerald was in his maternal grandparents' place) right at home with takeaways from the nearby tze char stall and a delicious ice cream cake from Marble Slab Creamery! 

Talking about ice cream cake - there was once we bought an expensive Haagen Dazs ice cream cake for mom's birthday. Knowing he would nag non-stop if he knew the price tag, we were unanimous in our decision that he be informed that the cake only cost us S$20. Thankfully, he bought our bullshit! 

Despite the many complaints i have of him, we must always remember that most parents would not shy away from their responsibilities and would always demand the best for their children. This "best" can take forms in many ways which may, or may not be explicitly expressed.

My dad belongs to the latter and quieter type. Weirdly, he is as equally adept in switching to a nagging persona which consists of irritating mumbles that could stretch for hours! 

No matter what, i still love him as my dad. 

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