
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Calanthe Art Cafe where You can Try Coffee from All of Malaysia's 13 States @ Jalan Hang Kasturi [Near Jonker Street], Melaka

The rage in Singapore food scene nowadays is cafes and you can find them in many shapes, various forms offering a wide array of desserts, finger food and fusion cuisine. 

Such adoration is not just limited to the little red dot; as true blue Singaporeans, the Gang of Four does seek out nice cafes overseas where we can further add on to the relaxation of being away from the bustle of Singapore life. 

One such cafe we visited in Malacca was Calanthe Art Cafe. Ranked number four out of a hundred and ninety nine restaurants in Malacca on, the name itself evoked images of decorative art pieces that would not be easily understood by commoners like me. 

By the grace of god, the surrounding was not as artsy fartsy as expected. Instead, i was so reminded of the 1980s when i was still a little boy living in one of the last few villages on mainland Singapore. 

The retro wooden sofa set was signature of that period and i still remember that every few months, my parents would make it a point to wash the coverings and sun the sponge cushions. 

Television then was bulky and required effort from more than one person to haul it from one place to another! Known as CRT (cathode ray tube) television, the one above doesn't even come with remote control; changing the channels meant rotating a dial button (usually e biggest one beside the screen). 

To me, i thought the entire concept brings forward a great sense of character and nostalgia to the cafe. I could be biased as i am a person who enjoys history and it feels good to reminisce my childhood days. 

Given the ranking on tripadvisor, the place was strangely quiet on a Saturday night. I am not sure if it was the late timing that we arrived or that the cafe appeared to be too hot and stuffy, especially the area behind the main counter where more seats were available. 

Surprise, surprise! I am not going to talk about the food in this cafe as my stomach was heavily stuffed by the time i stepped into Calanthe. What i could manage at that point of time was only a cup of coffee. 

From the outside of the cafe, the sign stating "Malaysia 13 States' Coffees" was much more noticeable than the actual signboard indicating "Calanthe Cafe"; hence implying the priority and importance of the coffees.

My cup of coffee. With thirteen choices, it's hard to reach a decision! Eventually, i reverted back to what i have always loved and i strongly believed most Singaporeans would choose the same as i did. 

White coffee from the state of Perak - i can't say it was fantastic even though personally, i preferred it over 'Old Town' for its reduced sugar, nicer fragrance and a more delicate smoothness. 

Wish to try all 13 states' coffees and yet worry that your stomach would be unable to take all the caffeine? Get one of the above boxes and slowly savour them, one at a time, in the comfort of your own home! 

Those who are not interested in Asian coffee may be pleased to know that there are special "ang moh" coffee too. 


11, Jalan Hang Kasturi


Opening Hours
Refer to website

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