
Friday, March 29, 2013

Johnny's 39th Birthday!

Gosh, this is so way overdue; i am having second thoughts publishing it!! Whatever, better late than never and i do have a loving label called "family" in my blog, don't i? :)

My brother in law, the husband of my elder sister, celebrated his birthday (the last that starts with the number 3) on 20 February and customary of my family culture, a cake is necessary to signify the event!

Please don't ask me what cake it was as i have no recollection! In the dictionary of Cavin, that would likely imply that the cake had nothing that caught the attention of my passive taste buds. 

Family portrait - that's the tradition in play here. 

For more pictures, refer to Joyce's facebook; she is an even more trigger happy photographer than me when it comes to family. On Jovyn, she has a bigger album collection than me although Jovyn stays in my house from Monday to Friday!

Once little fact about Jovyn - she can never keep her eyes away from things she wants, especially food. For her brother, it's the overall happy atmosphere that matters. Kids. 

Hereby i would like to wish Johnny (not a happy birthday since it was way over) many happy moments the rest of this year, and many more years after that.

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