
Friday, February 15, 2013

Release the Sky Lantern (許願天燈) & Make A Wish @ Bintan Island

I went to the Chinese New Year bazaar at Chinatown again (i think this would make it the 5th time in two weeks) on the eve of the snake year to immense myself in the celebratory festive mood. 

In addition to the mental satisfaction, my purpose was also to buy sky lanterns (also known as kongming lanterns) for the family's pending trip to Bintan Island! Selling at 8 for S$10 (usual price is approximately S$2 each), i knew they were good buys!

The picture instructions were clear and setting up the wishing lantern was a breeze. 

Wind can be a major deterrent for a successful take off. In the above picture, the lantern has yet to reach its optimal shape but the wind was so strong; it continuously hit against the paper shell. In the midst of its aggressive attacks, the poor lantern burned a few holes and eventually failed to float away.

Thankfully, we stayed in a huge resort villa (shall blog about it soon) in Bintan and someone advised that we should light up the lanterns IN the villa, wait for the hot air to fill up them up before releasing them into the starry sky.

Sound advice that saved us plenty of time! 

You could of course purchase the sky lanterns from the resort although i understand they are priced much higher than what i paid for (i think it was at least S$10 each).

Remember to think aloud your wish when you release your hold on the lantern! Mom's wishes (she definitely has more than one) are guessable; pink health for the whole family, a good career for the children and, constant winnings at 4D and TOTO. 

Imagine the whole sky filled with sky lanterns! That is possible in the Yi Peng Floating Lanterns festival at Chiangmai! Click here to check out the pictures. 


  1. Sure hope so! Huat for everyone!

  2. Looks like you had a lot of fun!! Thanks for linking to my experience in Chiang Mai :)

  3. No problem, i really enjoy your blog and the beautifully taken pictures! To be honest, i am even a bit jealous of your frequent travel escapades! =P
