
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Live" Raptor @ Universal Studios Singapore

Every themed zone in Universal Studios Singapore has its signature meet and greet characters but when it comes to the "Lost World" that was based on the highly successful Jurassic film series, it makes one wonder how they are going to bring the dinosaurs to life. 

Having a person walking around in a dino suit would be laughable! And that's when technology comes into play; build a small yet simple and cute robot that is sure to arrest the attention of little kids. 

Definitely not for demanding adults like us!

Something bigger is necessary and this came in the form of a jungle jeep pulling a container housing a ferocious looking dino; the cunning, intelligent Velociraptors (known generally as raptors)! 

In terms of movement, expect more than the well-behaved baby Triceratop; the raptor screeches, growls, shows it pointy canine teeth, hits against the enclosure in an apparent attempt to get out etc! 

A perfect photo shot would be having your head in the raptor's mouth, which is impossible. To hype up the realism act, this supposedly dangerous creature is only to see and not to touch (another likely reason is to prevent visitors from handling the expensive equipment aggressively)! 

Think you can try to get over with it? No way; there was an equally fierce handler who would make sure you keep your head on your shoulder. For that matter, your hands as well. 

A short video i took. For a longer video taken by a USS enthusiast, please visit his blog here


Universal Studios Singapore
Lost World Zone

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