
Friday, February 01, 2013

Ji Ji Wanton Noodle Specialist [山仔頂基記麺家] - Char Siew Wanton Noodles @ Hong Lim Food Centre [Chinatown]

Whenever my ex colleague, Sandra, mentioned the hawker centre near her mom's place, i would always talk about the famous wanton noodles helmed by three ladies. 

Instead of spouting goodness about the noodles, i was relentless in my complaints that it was a great disappointment and i could not understand the rationale for its long standing popularity! 

Since i have yet to blog about it, i thought it would be a good chance for me to try it again and then publicise it negatively in this personal ranting space of mine. 

Or so i thought....

I would like to say sorry to Ms Sandra Chui.

Why? The following paragraphs would reveal the reasons for my apology. 

Food appreciation is never-ending and experience would only enhance the taste buds; enabling a person to discern the bad from the worst and the premium from the best. My life experience on eating is not yet there but i was so bloody mistaken in my initial opinion of Ji Ji!

From the look of the ingredients in the bowl, i could hardly contain my excitement as this was likely one of the most enticing looking wanton noodles i have ever seen; thick slices of fatty char siew, chunky stewed mushrooms and splatters of crispy shallots and yummy pork lard.

The signature yellow noodles appeared to be slightly thicker than the commonly used mee kia and had a stronger "kee (or akaline)" taste that some people dislike (for example, David Sng)! However, the dark gravy did a fabulous job in masking the "kee-ness" somewhat and the eventual combi was drop dead delicious!

I almost ordered a second bowl! Thank god my mind was strong enough to remind me again and again that having another bowl would seriously compromise my aim to reduce weight before Chinese New Year.

Soup wise, it was a bit light yet savoury enough for me to call it refreshing. Unlike wantons in other places, these miniature dumplings contained more meat and hence, resulted in a more satisfying bite! That would have explained why some patrons that day would separately order a big bowl of wanton soup in addition to the wanton noodles.

Maybe i should do the same the next time i am there! 


531A, Upper Cross Street, 
#02-48/49, Hong Lim Food Centre

Char Siew Wanton Noodles - S$3

Additional Information
Diners who do not feel like having wanton can also consider other noodles choices like Chicken Feet, Chicken Cutlet, Soya Sauce Chicken, Fresh Prawn Dumplings, Curry Chicken and even Ipoh Horfun.

1 comment:

  1. :-)P
    WATERY IN MY MOUTH..........

