
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mushroom Farm Restaurant [香菇園海鮮飯店] @ Genting Highlands

Many Singaporeans, including myself, have been complaining of expensive food in Genting Highlands for the longest time yet most of them have never really explored beyond the land boundaries of Genting Group.

This mushroom farm restaurant that serves tze char is in fact nestled very close to the bus terminal at First World Hotel and it should not take an able person more than fifteen minutes to walk to its entrance.

To attest to the short distance, you could even see the Space Shot ride (partially blocked by the lamppost) located at the outdated theme park and the 6,118-room hotel from the above picture taken right opposite the restaurant.

The place was pretty rundown with a pond, giant artifacts of fruits and vegetables in a kampong-like environment and would not be suitable for diners who are extremely particular with cleanliness. 

All tables were taken during the peak dinner time and while waiting for an available table, i took the opportunity to explore the vicinity! 

There was a locked vegetable farm and also a good sized supermarket (that has closed by the time i reached at around 6.40pm) where you can buy souvenirs, instant noodles and local food products. 

Fruit lovers would be pleased to know that there was a fruit store just next to the restaurant. I regretted not buying that box of Mountain Cat Durian at RM20! 

Okay, back to food! The menu was in Chinese and this would hardly help the younger generation (like Alex) who could barely read Chinese characters. 

Refer to the pictorial menus to place your order! Even though i read Chinese, i would prefer to have pictures as they help to create a better impression on what the dishes really are. 

Butter Fish
The translation is butter golden phoenix but in the Chinese context, phoenix is tied to chicken (since phoenix is a mythical bird), not fish!! 

Anyway, the meat was first removed from the fish and then deep fried; this considerate action made it easier for diners to enjoy the meat (caution: be careful of fish bones)! Butter was in the form of oily deep fried threads; a presentation similar to the cereal prawns dish Singaporeans are accustomed to.

With all due respect, this is a unique dish (the Gang of Four enjoys trying new things) although taste wise, it was nothing to scream of and the buttery shreds have the tendency to taste off after a while. 

Cereal Prawns
I am going to talk about the cereals instead of prawns as freshness is all that matters for the crustaceans. We love it; green chilli was used for the frying of cereals, resulting in a sourish spicy sensation that made the cereals extremely appetising. This is the good kind that i could scoop and eat with plain rice!

Malay Glory
Decent enough despite seemingly thicker kangkong stalks. Chilli kings and queens would complain that it was not spicy enough. 

Yi Pin Guo
This had sea cucumber, an expensive seafood that i have no affection for. It didn't excite me even though there were other likable ingredients like mushrooms, prawns and squids. 

Furong Egg
Obviously, this appeared overcooked and lacked the wok-hei that categorically separates an omelette from a furong egg. However, both Kon and i enjoyed it due to the inclusion of Chinese sausages (lap cheong 臘腸)! Strictly speaking, it failed as a furong egg but passed with distinction as a normal fried egg.


Mushroom Farm, High Chaparral Genting Highland Resort, 
69000 Genting Highlands, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia

Butter Fish - RM 39
Cereal Prawns - RM 28
Malay Glory (M) - RM 14
Yi Pin Guo - RM 45
Furong Egg - RM 8

Additional Information
The information on location is useless for an overseas visitor like me even though you could roughly gauge the location given my second and third photographs in this post.

Besides tiring your legs, you could also opt to request (please call 03-61012864) for a shuttle that would pick you up outside the lobby of Highlands Hotel. 

You need not pay anything! Should you feel generous (after a windfall at the casinos); you may tip the driver instead. Just place the money in the red recycled tissue box on top of the dashboard. 

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