
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Last Day in NUS

First and foremost, i would like to announce that i am officially jobless as of today! *anyone who wants to recommend a suitable job can email me at!*

I was still super duper busy with work on my last day in NUS despite giving a 3-month notice of my resignation and i would like to apologise to my colleagues in other departments for not bidding farewell personally. 

As usual, the last few weeks were filled with farewell meals and my stomach was extremely pampered (and fattened). The picture above was taken yesterday night and please do not be mistaken that "that's it"; the table could not accommodate the chilli crab, salted egg crab and the delicious pipa chicken that followed shortly after! 

It was very touching to receive emails, messages on facebook/mobile phone and even colleagues and students who personally came into the office, to say their goodbyes. Some brought along presents, which they should not have, and handwritten cards that almost brought forward tears of happiness mixed with sadness... 

One suggested other career opportunities like office cleaning specialist since i am prone to office accidents and had mastered the art of cleaning to put things back in place! 

Another one lamented that help will no longer be available in the office. I would like to assure this colleague (you know who you are) that Aloysius is as helpful as i am. =P

"Noisy" is my middle name and it was no doubt that the general office in the department of Political Science would appear more quiet after my departure. However, never ever underestimate the power of Sham, who generates as much noise as i do!

A colleague even dares to threaten me with murder in her card! Hahahaha.

No matter what, i am blessed to be the receiver of many well wishes. Please keep in mind that although many of you would miss my presence, my helpfulness, my laughter; at the same time, i am also missing all of you in the National University of Singapore... 

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