
Friday, December 21, 2012

Homemade Chocolate Brownies from a Colleague

Tucked nicely within the above transparent blue plastic container was a gift that was painstakingly made by one of my colleagues, who was sad to see me leaving the company i called my second home for the past five years.

The delicious aroma hit me even before i could even remove the flimsy cling wrap! 

Stacks of bite-sized brownies! These pictures were taken at home but when i was in the office, i could not help not popping one into my mouth! 

Mmmmmmmmm, sinfully rich in chocolate although slightly too dry to squeeze down my parched throat. Nevertheless, i have the perfect remedy for such condition. 

Toast them in the toaster for that extra warm crunch!!! 

And eat them with a scoop of ice cream. 

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