
Monday, September 17, 2012

Battle of Diablo - The Prime Evil @ Diablo IIII

I am going to cut the story short by going straight to the Last Act of Diablo III - The High Heavens. 

Diablo, the Prime Evil has reached the pinnacle of the place where angels rule and is in the midst of corrupting the Crystal Arch, the heart of the High Heavens and the source of power for all angels. 

The nephalem (which is the player by the way) would finally meet his/her nemesis in this last battle. Honestly, i thought Diablo in Diablo I had a much more evil look than this one in Diablo III.

This battle was played out in three separate sections, with the second one played in Diablo's evil realm. It could be a tad irritating but so long your character is blessed with a high damage weapon, it should not take too long to get out of the gloomy cell. 

Last, last battle at the Crystal Arch again.

Make use of your character special abilities (like a healing sentry for the Demon Hunter) and you are on your way to destroy the monster! 

A final blast and he is finally gone! 

Collect the spoils (hopefully with some really good rare items) and your gold and watch the amazing cinematic display at the end. This was pretty incredible at the Normal Level. 

The fall of Diablo (notice the trail of light).

Cleansing and resurrection of the High Heavens - Watch these two times and i guarantee you would not hesitate to press the "esc" button on your keyboard to skip all of them! 

And there are still two more levels to go; Hell and Inferno. I am frankly getting a bit bored and Diablo III has taken too much of my time! 

I could have used the time to blog!

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