
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Singapore National Day Parade 2012 [Night Time - Show & Fireworks] at The Float@Marina Bay

This is a followup to my first post on Singapore's national day parade (NDP) 2012.

The night segment of Singapore's NDP has always been the one most citizens look forward to as it features a myriad of colours that could only be possible when the sun sets.

Without further ado, I shall start with the beginning of the "show" - which was announced with a big burst of fireworks that startled most of us (wasn't that a bit too early?).

Theme of this year's parade: "Reflection". An appropriate theme given the challenges Singapore faces; national identity, declining birth rate, inflow of immigrants etc. 

With a prologue, three acts namely "our identity, our spirit and our love" and a finale, the show is best watched on the television at home! All the performers were too far away and i had a hard time concentrating on the essences of the show. 

Shame on me as I started playing with my DSLR settings! The above is the LED torch against the backdrop of the floating platform and Singapore's corporate skyline! 

Don't you just love this photograph!? 

A panoramic view! That's the only benefit of being located at the farfetched green sector. 

Close up view of Singapore's skyline where you can see three of the country's tallest buildings (all of them at 280 meters). 

The Akira-branded air clappers with corresponding blue and red LED lights lit up the grandstand. In reality, it was a lot more impressive than what you can see from the above picture.

Gigantic sparklers on stage! 

Even the durians (the esplanade) were decked out in the nation's celebratory colours; red and white. Damn, this must have looked damn pretty on television!

I am restless and hot, and sweaty, and sticky!!!! But, most importantly, i was enjoying the atmosphere! 

Here are the much awaited pictures of fireworks! 

To be honest, the firework display was not as stunning as i thought they would be. 

Magnificent (maybe) but definitely not out-of-extraordinary. 

The finale before we broke up for the day!

Since it would take a while for all 30,000 of us to squeeze out of the grandstand, many compatriots took to taking pictures of themselves with the floating platform as the backdrop.

I could not resist asking my sister and mother to do the same! God knows how long it would be before i am once again lucky to ballot successfully for the NDP tickets! 

By the way, anyone is interested in my sister? She is still single!! 

A million thanks to the performers, volunteers, military and home team personnel! It would be impossible to pull off the event without their utmost support and dedication! 

Captured on the way to MBS - Singapore Flyer in red and white! 

Happy 47th Birthday, Singapore!
*better late than never, okay?!*

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