
Monday, August 27, 2012

Outcome for Appeal of Driving Offence - Driving without An Off Peak Car (OPC) e-Day License Coupon

Guess many of you could not wait to know the outcome of the appeal; which was filed by Mr Alex, the driver of my OPC on that fateful day of 18 July 2012.

Would he be fined the maximum of S$20,000 or, as informed by some of my friends, a first-time penalty of between S$1,000 and S$5,000? 

Submitting an appeal to Land Transport Authority (LTA) is actually not as daunting a task as many envisioned it to be. It's merely a five-minute process (there's even an e-guide to help you) and could be done comfortably in front of your computer.

Here's the content of his appeal:


Dear Sir/Mdm,

[Appeal] With Regard to Notice Number 3124062675

For six years since we have the car (XXXXXX), we have always been very conscious of the purchases of e-day licence as we understand this is a heavily subsidised scheme by LTA to enable middle income families the opportunity to own a car. Back when the day licence was in hard copy, we will queue up in the early morning just to buy the coupons from Singapore Post and when the decision was made to go online, we were simply put; ecstatic! 

Therefore, it came as a big shock to receive a mail informing us that there was an offence for "driving an off-peak car without a supplementary licence" on 18 July 2012. I frantically checked out the e-day licence transactions we made via in July and realised, with great horror, that although i did make the purchase of e-day licence for 18 July, the amount of S$20 was re-deposited back to my bank account (attached)!   

I accept full responsibility for what happened but genuinely hope that you can consider my appeal in waiving the penalty, given this unforgivable yet honest mistake. 

Thank you so much for your time and consideration in this matter.

Yours Sincerely,


You didn't misread. 

It was reflected on the online banking statement (appended below) that S$20 was debited from the account and then credited back! Therefore, an attempt was in fact made to pay for the supplementary licence, the transaction was successful but due to unknown factors, rejected back to the bank.

With this highly important 'black and white' evidence, Alex was finally informed last week that he needed to pay LTA a visit this morning. 

He came back with the above.
A payment of S$20 for the usage of OPC on 18 July 2012.


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