
Monday, August 06, 2012

Hyper Snake - Classic Snake Game in the Modern Age for iPhone

Back when Nokia was the unquestionable big brother of the mobile phone industry, there was this game (packaged with most Nokia phones) simply known as snake that used to drive me nuts! 

Hardly surprising news for an impatient man. 

But when the app "Hyper Snake" appeared in the Free App of the Day, i could not resist downloading it solely for the challenge of proving that the man has now become older and would likely have the patience required to ace the game. 

Despite having a few other options to play, i prefer to stick to the classic - which involves eating one cell at a time to grow your tail longer and the essential need to avoid crashing into your own tail! 

The contemporary version upped the visual level for graphic crazy consumers and what you get now is a game that has a dazzling display with an outer space background that changes with each burst of colour cell ingested by the hungry serpent. 

Don't expect buttons! Please control using the accelerometer inbuilt in your iPhone. The limitation of having the accelerometer is that i could not play while lying on my back! 

Nonetheless, i had a blastful time reliving the good old days and managed to grow the snake into a colourful beauty at a length impossible to achieve decades ago! 

Although occupying 4 out of 8 digits in the scoring system may seem pathetic, you are however rewarded with a grand fireworks finale with the snake's death!


Purchase from App Store under "Hyper Snake".


  1. You can change the accelerometer settings in the options menu under 'device orientation' so you can play lying on your back :)

  2. Many thanks Mark! Now i can finally give my back a rest!
