
Friday, July 27, 2012

Snorkeling Right Outside Laguna Redang Island Resort (Last Episode) @ Pulau Redang [Malaysia]

My apology for taking so long to post my final snorkeling episode in Redang as i was seriously overloaded with work (yes, i do need to earn my upkeep for food and travel) for the past few months.

The good thing about working too hard is that i keep reminiscing about the great, relaxing time i had on the island and this means i am already planning for my next snorkeling trip!

Coming back to this entry - snorkeling is an easily achieved activity in Redang; you don't even need a boat when you can snorkel all you want right outside your resort!

Stupid us only realised that on our last day since we were under the assumption that snorkeling would not be as comparable to the open seas given the massive human traffic that usually congregates along the beach outside the resorts.

In a way, we were not wrong in our assumption; the area directly outside the Laguna Redang resort had indeed very low visibility and along the shoreline, we found schools of silver fishes that looked like ikan bilis!

You have to venture further away from the resort!

The water level was pretty shallow for around a hundred meters and i could see a lot of children exploring the little nooks and crannies of these rocks that dotted the underwater world.

Without the exhausting need to tread on water, even i have the energy to concentrate on the tiny movements made by sea creatures in order to spot them!

There's also the benefit of having more time to snorkel, with no one giving you a time limit to get out. That can be so irritating when you are reaching the peak of snorkeling enjoyment.

In terms of marine fish numbers, it would lose to top snorkeling spots like Redang's marine park.

However, both Alex and i agreed that we managed to see more varieties at this unassuming snorkeling spot outside our resort; like this sad looking angelfish.

Or this pink-yellow-white fish (please don't test me on the species)!

Be careful where you step; i found this camouflaged sting ray resting on the seabed and i was lucky to turn around just in time to see its two big eyes staring at my feet. Phew...

And jellyfish continued to make an appearance. We found this dead along the shoreline and Alex, as usual, could not resist holding it up for a picture!

Jokes aside, do note the surroundings and stay away from these beautiful marine pests.

For the adventurous, you could swim further out where you could find more marine life. I actually caught sight of my first group of clownfishes at the depth of around three to four meters!

As a conclusion for my snorkeling expeditions in Redang, you may also check out my inaugural youtube video! By the way, nothing beats seeing the underwater realm for real. 


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I cannot resist visiting your blog all over again! I'll be off to Redang this evening. HAHA! I know its too late but still, what camera did u used for underwater photography? Your photos are amazing!


    Oh pls probably just add me on Facebook or or or Skype cecilia.adeline

    I might not have the chance to visit this page again to get your reply. LOL


  2. I will add and reply you on facebook then! Enjoy your trip!
