
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Homemade Deep Fried Crispy Pork Lard (猪油渣) - The Best Snack To Turn a Bad Day Around

While scouting for snacks in the kitchen this very evening, my eyes rest on a plastic canister placed next to the expensive water filtration system; an area my mom frequently used for her nuts (peanuts, macadamia nuts and not the nuts found on guys).

Initially, i thought it would just be another nut-filled container but my food-sensitive instinct told me to step closer for a better look. I almost let out a happy scream when i realised what it really held! 

Loads of homemade pork lard with a golden brown sheen that beckoned me to slowly savour them in the absence of my parents who will otherwise definitely look at my tummy and ask if i could 'afford' them.

One piece, two pieces, three, four... 

In a short span of merely a few minutes, i have already taken more than twenty pieces - hearing the pleasing crunch and tasting its superbly delicious yet incredibly unhealthy natural flavour were just the appropriate senses to turn a bad day around!

*p.s. i popped a few more pieces of this divine snack as i was typing out this post*