
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Good Old Childhood Memories (Drama) - 金牌师爷

There was a time when mobile phones truly served their sole purpose as a tool of voice communication, and internet speed could only be best described as being perpetually in the turtle mode.

Back then, there was no cable and without any stable income, some teenagers like myself would likely stay glued to the television at night, singing out of tune to the theme songs of prime-time dramas!

Thanks to Youtube, i managed to relive some of those childhood memories and attempted, once again, to sing the theme songs of local dramas as far back as those introduced by Singapore Broadcasting Corporation!

That's not enough! I am extremely grateful to two Facebook friends who suggested locations (one of which is to catch these serials online! As you can see, it is almost 2.40 am now.

And i am still watching 金牌师爷; a comedy period drama starring Chew Chor Meng and my favourite Chen Xiu Huan (she was so adorable in the show)!

p.s. Streaming is frustratingly slow; reminds me of the past when a 4-minutes mp3 took me more than 20 minutes to download!

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